uploads/press button.jpg

press button 電鈕,按紐。

press campaign

The mouse operate , both parties all depend on the battleship battle , see who the strength of [ with ] confidence be just right , who will win , you as long as click battleship to press button under , observe the above direction of wind mark degree very , be loosenning to open a button , fire off 鼠標操作,雙方都是依靠戰艦作戰,看誰把握的力度適中,誰就會贏,你只要點擊戰艦下方的按鈕,觀察好上面的風向標度,在松開按鈕,開炮!

Key keyboard control around mobile , the next key species radish , radish on the press button watering of course , you can wait rain , a carrot cooked blinks immediately by pulling on the bond , otherwise , it was a rabbit stole 1 , 10 鍵盤左右鍵控制移動,下鍵種蘿卜,在蘿卜上按下鍵可以澆水當然你也可以等下雨,蘿卜熟了會閃爍,馬上按上鍵拔出,否則就被兔子偷走咯。

Mobile - telephone users ( that is , almost every adult city - dweller ) can subscribe to stock market alerts and trade shares simply by pressing buttons on their handsets 手機用戶(這幾乎就是指所有城市成年居民)可以訂購股市警報業務,只要在手機上摁上幾個鍵就能夠進行交易。

Mobile - telephone users ( that is , almost every adult city - dweller ) can subscribe to stockmarket alerts and trade shares simply by pressing buttons on their handsets 移動電話用戶(即幾乎所有的成年城市居民)只要按一下按鈕就能在手機上訂購股市警報或進行股票交易。

In any event , voice applications have gone beyond one - word systems and provide a more natural system interface than pressing buttons on a telephone 在任何情況下,語音應用程序都已不再只是單詞( one - word )系統,它提供一種更自然的系統界面而不是在電話上按按紐。

Interactive television testing commonly requires test personnel to press buttons on an infrared remote controller and watch for expected results on a television monitor 互動電視測試通常需要測試人員按動紅外遙控器上的按鈕,觀看電視監視器上的預期結果。

Found const length : 117084 please keep on pressing buttons like described above . creating config file in raw mode . now enter the names for the buttons 此時就正式開始學習了:輸入剛才記下的名字,一次輸一個名字- - - - -回車,然后按下遙控器上要定義的按鍵。

Please keep on pressing buttons like described above . creating config file in raw mode . now enter the names for the buttons 此時就正式開始學習了:輸入剛才記下的名字,一次輸一個名字- - - - -回車,然后按下遙控器上要定義的按鍵。

You can press buttons to light up trade routes on maps , or to hear the different typical cries of macau ' s traders 你按一下按鈕就能將地圖上的貿易航線照亮,還可以聽一聽澳門商販那各具特征的叫賣聲。

Click the left mouse button on the screen press button and magic cats eat bread depends on the speed of your keys speed 鼠標左鍵點擊畫面上的press按鈕,魔力貓吃面包的快慢取決于你的按鍵速度。

Though strange , it was the sound made by pressing buttons of v - a - i - o from any american phone set 雖然陌生,但這聲音卻是取自美國電話機上按v a i o四個鍵時所發出的聲音。

Mfpb : multi - frequency press button 多頻按鍵

If they could do it all by pressing buttons , they would 如果這些全部可以通過按鍵來實現,他們自然會接受。

Instruction : 1 . press button on bottom , turn it on / off 使用方法:按/壓手電尾部按鈕,即可打開/關閉手電筒。

( clarisse ) i ' m glad you like it . try pressing button number three 我很高興你能喜歡它,試試按一下3號鍵

Clarisse ) i ' m glad you like it . try pressing button number three 我很高興你能喜歡它,試試按一下3號鍵

Clarisse i ' m glad you like it . try pressing button number three 我很高興你能喜歡它,試試按一下3號鍵

Press button for 3 seconds will trigger system backup 只需按實前置按扭三秒鐘,即可備份完整系統os

Once press button , forced hydraulic system can start 只需按一下按健,液壓強制下壓系統就可啟動。